Homework Help http://www.askwhyky.org Experienced librarians answer your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Homework Help http://citationmachine.net/ Create your bibliography online.
Reading and Books www.ala.org A collection of great sites for kids from the American Library Association
Reading and Books Reading Is Fundamental  RIF, the nation’s largest literacy organization, provides tips & activity ideas to help motivate your child to read.
Research Sites http://www.kyvl.org Multitude of databases to use. Be sure to get the user name & password from the public library.
Research Sites Kyleidoscope Kyleidoscope is an initiative of the Kentucky Virtual Library’s Kentuckiana Digital Library that seeks to create convenient avenues for educators to access primary sources regarding the history of Kentucky. Kyleidoscope bundles together related sources and places them within brief historical contexts, also suggesting applicable state Combined Curriculum Standards. These bundles are called “themed collections”.
Research Sites http://www.britannica.com/ Encyclopedia Britannica Online
Research Sites http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/ Internet Public Library for Kids
Research Sites http://www.kids.gov/ Find links to government and other kids’ sites — just use the navigation bar above to browse through our site. Explore, learn, and have fun!
Research Sites ALA Best Sites for Kids
Research Sites http://www.ipl.org/div/teen/ Internet Public Library for Teens
Research Sites http://www.kidsclick.org/ Web Search directory designed by librarians
Research Sites http://www.factmonster.com Find information about a variety of subjects ranging from weather facts to homework help to quizzes and games.
Saints and Religion http://www.americancatholic.org/Features/Saints/byname.aspx


Multiplication & Addition tables:  http://www.hp.com/hho/hp_create/media/downloads/Math_Tables_Addition_Multiplication.pdf


Khan Academy