St. Vincent de Paul

Who We Are

St. Vincent de Paul Society was founded by Frederic Ozanam in Paris, France around 1833 and adopted the devoted French priest, St. Vincent de Paul as the Patron for the society.

The conference at St. Paul Parish is part of the Northern Kentucky Council of St. Vincent de Paul. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and a chapter of the international organization. SVdP is a “lay” organization, meaning it is affiliated with the Catholic church but under Cannon Law not a direct part of it. Traditionally, our volunteer base has been drawn from the Catholic community.

St. Paul’s conference has 27 members and we help serve our neighbors in the Florence area and currently helping many in the Elsmere area. We provide basic necessities regardless of religious affiliation or any other demographic. The SVdP society is unique because we are about the only organization who visit the homes of those needing help. We offer spiritual, emotional and material assistance. In-home visits offer the personalized care to determine the extent of the need, the validity of the request, and develop a plan to move toward stability. One of our goals is early intervention with the hope of preventing homelessness for our clients.

“I started with SVdP not really knowing what it was all about and was not very comfortable meeting with clients but after going with several members on these visits it got better and I learned so much and I am still learning ways to help people. We don’t solve the worlds problem, but we help one person’s world get a little better through our assistance, listening and caring.”
– Marla Kelly, Member

We invite you to attend any of our monthly meetings, commitment free, to see what we are about.

Meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of every month in the Parish Center (under the Church) at 9:00 AM.

Please Think of SVdP When You Have Items to Donate

Your generosity has a very real impact on the lives of our neighbors in need.  Every day in Northern Kentucky, families struggle to make ends meet.  Your donation makes a difference by helping us to provide resources and hope to individuals and families to raise their quality of life and to help them become self-sufficient.  St. Paul has a BLUE DROP OFF BOX located in the church parking lot or your items can be taken to any of the SVdP stores.  We have one in Florence on the corner of Turfway and Dixie Hwy (next to Buddy’s Carpet).

Donate now to support St. Vincent de Paul.

Click Here to Donate…

What To Do If You Can’t Pay Your Rent

For information about what to do if you can’t pay your rent, please click here…

To contact St. Vincent de Paul, please call the St. Vincent de Paul Office at 859-341-3219.

Contact SVdP