Liturgical Ministries

Eucharistic Ministers:

Eucharistic Ministers assist with the distribution of the Holy Eucharist at weekend Masses as well as on Holy Days. To become a Minister, Diocesan and parish training is required and provided. Contact the Parish Office and ask for Deacon Scott with questions or to become a minister, 859-371-8051.

Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick:

Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick take Communion to the homes of the sick and those in Nursing Home facilities. Must be trained as an Eucharistic Minister. There are several area Nursing Homes to which we bring Communion.


Lectors are an important part of the Mass. Readers need to be effective and faith-filled to proclaim God’s Word at weekend and weekday Masses, other liturgies and funerals. Training and ongoing formation are required and provided. Call Parish Office for more information 859-371-8051.


Men, women, boys and girls of the parish from grades 3 and older are needed to serve the Lord and assist the priest at all Masses. Adult Servers need to be Virtus trained.


Ushers are needed for all Masses. Volunteers are needed at least 30 minutes prior to Mass to help set up, seat parishioners and greet people. These men and women are the first faces that are seen by those entering the church. Training is provided.


Individuals are needed to assist with the overall preparation for parish Masses. Training is provided.


Greeters are the first faces parishioners and visitors see when walking into the church. Parishioners are needed at all Masses to welcome people. Each Mass needs a family or group of three at the doors. Greeters also present the Altar gifts at Mass.

Art & Environment:

This is a committee that meets annually to plan for the major feast days and Holy Days for decorating the church. They are an amazing group of people and would love for you to join them.

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry offers Youth Choir, Music Ensembles for each Sunday Mass, St. Paul Adult Choir and Funeral Choir. For more information, go to

Become a Part of the Liturgical Ministries

If you would like more information or to join one of the ministries, submit the below form with your name, email and the ministry or ministries you are interested in or call 859-371-5081.

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