St. Paul Adult Inquirer Information FormInformation on this form is held in confidence and is not shared without your permission.Today's Date(required)First Name(required)Middle Name(required)Maiden Name (if applicable)Age(required)Name of Father (First, Middle, Last)(required)Full Mailing Address(required)Cell Phone(required)Email Address (Other)Preferred Method of Communication(required)PhoneEmailPreferred Name (required)Last Name(required)Date of Birth(required)Place of Birth [Include locality (town, city, county, etc.), region (state, province, territory, etc.) & country](required)Name of Mother [First, Middle, Last, Maiden (if applicable)](required)Home Phone(required)Email Address (Preferred)(required)Occupation(required)If phone is your preferred method of communication, then when is the best time to reach you?Question 1Have you ever been baptized?(required)YesNoI am not sureIf you answered "Yes" to Question 1, please provide the following information:In what denomination were you baptized?Date or your approximate age when you were baptized:Was water used?YesNoI am not sure.Were words of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit used?YesNoI am not sure.Name of the church, if known:Address, if known [Include locality (town, city, county, etc.), region (state, province, territory, etc.) & county]:What denomination have you most recently been attending?Question 2If you were baptized Catholic, check those sacraments you have already received.Penance (Confession)Eucharist (First Communion)ConfirmationQuestion 3Please check the appropriate statement(s) below and provide any information requested for each statement.(required)I have never been married.I am engaged to be married.I am married.I am married, but separated from my spouse.I am divorced and I have not remarried.I am a widow/widower and have not remarried since my spouse's death.I am presently in a relationship with someone.If you checked: "I am engaged to be married," please answer the following questions.Your Fiancé(e)'s Name:Your Fiancé(e)'s Current Religious Affiliation (if any):For You:This is my first marriage.I have been married before.For your Fiancé(e):This is his/her first marriage.My fiancé(e) has been married before.Are you currently living with this person?YesNoIf you checked "I am married," please answer the following questions.Your Spouse's Name:Your Spouse's Current Religious Affiliation (if any):For you:This is my first marriage.I have been married before.For your Spouse:This is my spouse's first marriage.My spouse has been married before.Date of MarriagePlace of Marriage [include locality (town, city, county, etc.), region (state, province, territory, etc.), & country]:Officiating Authority of Marriage (Civil government, non-Christian minister, Christian minister, Catholic cleric):If you checked "I am presently in a relationship with someone," please answer the following questions.Are you currently living with this person?YesNoHas he/she been previously married?YesNoList the name(s) of any children or other dependents (e.g., Daughter - Jane; Stepson - John).Relationship:Is this child baptized?YesNoName:If no, do you desire baptism for the child?YesNoAge:Relationship:Is this child baptized?YesNoName:If no, do you desire baptism for the child?YesNoAge:Relationship:Is this child baptized?YesNoName:If no, do you desire baptism for the child?YesNoAge:Relationship:Is this child baptized?YesNoName:If no, do you desire baptism for the child?YesNoAge:Relationship:Is this child baptized?YesNoName:If no, do you desire baptism for the child?YesNoAge:Question 4At this point in time, which of the following statements best describes your present feelings and thoughts about the possibility of joining the Catholic Church? (required)I need much more information about the Catholic Church before I would consider joining.I am considering joining, but I am still unsure about it.I am fairly sure that I would like to join, but I still need some time to study and pray about it.I am fairly sure that I want to join the Catholic Church.SendThis field should be left blank